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Rick’s African Safari Adventure

With both my grandpa and my dad in the travel business, I’ve been traveling the world since before Toto released their incomparable hit Africa in 1982.  Knowing travel is in my blood, people always ask, “What’s next on your bucket list?”   For the last 20 years the answer has been easy—an African Safari!  I checked that box this past November, and it lived up to EVERY expectation.

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From “Fam” to Fabulous

A fabulous trip isn’t a Hot Pocket.  It’s a croque-monsieur, an oozy yet crisp grilled ham and cheese sandwich with a touch of Bechamel sauce, eaten in front of a Paris cafe.   We don’t do Hot Pockets, so members of our staff are whisked around the world on familiarization trips.  Yes, it’s a difficult job, but someone has to do it.  These “fam” trips enable our staff to check out the hotels, venues, and adventures a destination has to offer, so they can come home and craft the perfect croque-monsieur for our clients.  

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