This is it. See that light? Go toward the light. The clouds part, lush green peaks rise skyward, and bright white sandy beaches form haloes around tiny islands scattered like jems through the aquamarine seas. Is this heaven? Yes. It’s Bora Bora, and in all my decades of travel, I can tell you it’s the closest thing to paradise you’ll find on earth—the perfect location for our company’s annual Sales Summit. Our motto Memories Motivate—Make More doesn’t just apply to our incentive travel clients. We try to embody it as a team. What could be more rewarding than a trip to my happy place, my all-time favorite beach destination, the jewel of French Polynesia: Four Seasons Bora Bora?
Breathe Deep
The journey there was an adventure itself. Greeted by the incredibly friendly Tahitian flight crew with ukulele music, generous smiles, and a beautiful tiare flower, we boarded our turquoise Air Tahiti Nui plane. Instead of the usual jostling, each guest breathed in the tropical fragrance of the tiare flower and smiled. The adventure was getting off on the right foot. After landing in Papeete, Tahiti, our journey to Bora Bora continued with a short 45 minute flight which provided spectacular birdseye sightseeing of the picturesque atoles surrounded by the most beautiful seas of gradient blues. For the final leg of our journey to the resort, we landed at the tiny airport in Bora Bora built by American servicemen during WWII where boats from the Four Seasons awaited us. Imagine those gorgeous wooden boats with white leather seats from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, but instead of speeding away from fez-wearing assailants, a Tahitian guide with cold towels and bottled water is graciously guiding you to a must-see, bucket-list destination.
Pulling up to The Four Seasons Bora Bora is a jaw-dropping, gasp-inducing experience. Tahitian-style overwater bungalows with grass roofs perch in crystal clear water. Even the most basic suite is a dream come true with white linens and wood and grass interiors, a patio deck with a dining area, views of the beach, lagoon, or mountains, and best of all, windows in the floor which allow an ocean view even indoors. At night, underwater lights illuminate the sea, creating a soft glow. In addition to these features, some bungalows have their own private pools, and the resort offers floaties, snorkel gear, paddle boards, and kayaks so you can leave on an adventure right from your suite. Seriously, Do Not Resuscitate. If this is heaven, I don’t want to leave.
Fishies and French Toast
While we’re mentioning amenities, of course they have all the luxuries you’d expect from a tropical world-class resort: stunning pools, beautiful beaches, tennis and volleyball courts, and an excellent fitness center. But in typical Four Seasons style, they go above and beyond. Down the center of the island, the ocean feeds in and out, creating incredible snorkeling in the heart of the resort. The spa offers overwater treatment rooms, so as you’re receiving a rejuvenating massage, you can gaze down into the water below and watch the fish in their natural environment. And the food! Imagine ordering room service, and instead of a knock at your door, your to-die-for french toast and eggs benedict, the best you’ll ever taste, arrive by canoe paddled by a Tahitian crew. They drape white linens over your patio table, place fresh flowers as a centerpiece, and leave you to eat your delicious breakfast as you take in the breathtaking views from your balcony. Around lunchtime you stop into Fare Hoa Beach Bar and Grill, their toes-in-the-sand restaurant, for gourmet burger. As evening falls, you head to Arii Moana for a romantic, fine dining experience of traditional French Polynesian cuisine.
Snorkel Screams and Stingrays
But all this is nothing compared to the mindblowing excursions they offer. I have been to a lot of places and have experienced unforgettable adventures, but the activities offered at Four Seasons Bora Bora are the best anywhere! Our team loaded onto three boats for an island tour, our entertaining Tahitian guides serenading us with ukuleles and giving us information about this sacred place they have called home for generations. Our first stop was snorkeling over a beautiful coral reef, colorful fish zipping past. Next, our guides took us for a swim with the black tip reef sharks. Knowing it was perfectly safe, I couldn’t help laughing at the muffled screams of our team members and their guests rising through the snorkels as they experienced that initial moment of terror at being in the water with these incredibly fast creatures. It really is an unforgettable experience to swim with sharks. For our third stop, we pulled into brilliant shallow waters to experience feeding and swimming with stingrays. The feel as they suck squid from your hand with their happy-looking faces is awesome. Of course, all this fun had worked up an appetite, so our next stop was definitely welcome. Our boats pulled into a private island where our Tahitian hosts stood knee-deep in the surf, playing their ukuleles to welcome us to our meal. The tables rested in the water under a palm canopy, plates made of banana leaves held the freshest local foods: seafood, root vegetables, chicken and pork, and tasty fruits, and our eyes were drawn to the view of Bora Bora’s Otemanu mountain. This seemed like a great place for a little impromptu team building exercise, so my brother Kip and I went out into the surf and said the first person to make it to us would get a $20 bill. Our host on hearing this said she would throw in a massage. Well, lets just say the competition got pretty fierce. Finally, we loaded back onto the boats and sailed to a spot with luminous deep water for a fantastic swim. Everyone was on a total high from our once-in-a-life-time experiences that day.
Hold on Tight!
The next day we explored the entire island of Bora Bora on an sweet guided waverunner tour. Our guide was so knowledgeable and genuine, pointing out flora and fauna and exploring the legends and mythology of these islands. It was awesome to see everyone jetting around, wind in their hair and big smiles on their faces. At one point we slid off our jetskis into waist-deep water and ate fresh mango and coconut. If that tour isn’t on your bucket list, put it there now!
Luau—Tahiti Style
This is such a great location for a company retreat or incentive trip, and it was fantastic to have our sales staff experience it so they can share it with their clients who are seeking an unforgettable destination. We were able to have two group functions while we were there. The first was a Polynesian Beach Night. We sat at low tables, feet in the sand, ate delicious polynesian food, and were entertained by music and dance. Our second event was in the stunning beach setting of the Fare Hoa Grill where we ate sushi, steak, chicken skewers, listened to uke music, and played cards. Great ambiance!
Donut Holes
Some of our favorite moments were the impromptu ones. Kip and I hosted pool parties at our villas, turned the music up, and ordered food in. Our group would hop on their paddle boards or kayaks and row over to our places to enjoy the private plunge pool and hot tub. We had contests to see who could do the best flips or dives into the turquoise waters below. At one point we were all trying to see how many donut floaties we could stack in the water and jump through. This turned into seeing how many each person could put on and then jump in the water. This was hysterical. Congratulations to Beau for showing us how to get it done!
Heavenly Motivation
This place truly is heaven. Beyond its indescribable beauty, there is something truly serene about it. No roads, no traffic—just a remote paradise, a place to connect with nature and each other. The Four Seasons Bora Bora set the standard for luxury beach resorts long ago with other places striving to match its perfection. Memories really do motivate and strengthen company culture. It works for our clients, and it works for our team.
See that light? Not sure how to get there? Let us guide you toward an other-worldly adventure to this heavenly destination.