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Incentive Travel With Meaning: The Emerging Trend

With so much focus on employee retention these days, companies are looking for ways to revitalize their compensation structures, their company culture, and their visibility as a company which does good not just for their employees, but also the communities in which they work and for the world in general.

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7 Romantic Places to Take Your Sweetheart

Upgrade from the standard long-stem roses and box of chocolates for Valentine’s Day with a romantic getaway.  These 7 destinations are sure to impress your Honey Bun.

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From “Fam” to Fabulous

A fabulous trip isn’t a Hot Pocket.  It’s a croque-monsieur, an oozy yet crisp grilled ham and cheese sandwich with a touch of Bechamel sauce, eaten in front of a Paris cafe.   We don’t do Hot Pockets, so members of our staff are whisked around the world on familiarization trips.  Yes, it’s a difficult job, but someone has to do it.  These “fam” trips enable our staff to check out the hotels, venues, and adventures a destination has to offer, so they can come home and craft the perfect croque-monsieur for our clients.  

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The BIG Box = BIG Motivation

A Greek Isles/Eastern Mediterranean cruise is the ultimate quadfecta–sunny beaches, ancient history, stunning scenery, and culinary delights.  This is the BIG box on the Bucket List which means a BIG motivator for your team.  You’re not going to want to miss a single experience, so here are our tips for making the most of your Mediterranean Cruise.  

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The 5 WOWs of Scotland

Until recently, my experience with Scotland was limited to William Wallace shouting “Freedom!” in Mel Gibson’s Braveheart or envisioning Hogwarts nestled on a Scottish hillside while reading the Harry Potter books with my children.  Just like the book is always better than the movie, first-hand experience is always better than seeing it on a screen.  And as stunning as Scotland is on film, nothing compares to experiencing its rugged beauty and character in person.

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True Grit Meets Customer Service

Hurricanes Harvey and Irma left nothing but devastation in their wake. Our hearts have gone out to those affected and that have shouldered such terrible loss. A wise man taught me that whenever tragedy strikes, there’s no problem with feelings of helplessness or negativity. But when those feelings come, look for those that serve and help in terrible times and follow their example. Sometimes it takes grit to push through a hard situation…

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The bustling busyness of a typical vacation flies in the face of the word’s original meaning.  But there is a place of rejuvenation and relaxation out there.  A place with overwater bungalows perched in a lagoon so crystalline blue your soul will sigh.  A place where you can be luxuriously and perfectly unoccupied.  That place can be found on  two jewels of French Polynesia: Bora Bora and Mo’orea.

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